Friday 12 August 2011

Air/Ground Funday monday.

Hey all
This week has been tones of fun. I'm now rank 1 platinum and pushing to try get into diamond. I'm noticing that as I get higher I don't outright hulksmash every Zerg I ever get, which is a pity, but I guess that's how life works. What has been great fun, however, is metagaming some Terran's. My basic strategy at the moment is to hold of the inevitable push that comes from the Terran then transition into carrier-mothership and just destroy them. It has this inane ability to cause me a great deal of laughter and happiness which is an amazing change after the high stress of playing PvP! I feel so sorry for the players that just get destroyed by an oversized pie in the sky and a swarm of flying binoculars!

Before I get into the meat of this article though, I want to share with you some absolute brilliance: one of my very good friends has started StarCraft 2 and all due to my and my friends' influence! I intend for him to be great and hence when I taught him at first I didn't even tell him that he was capable of clicking icons to make buildings, I just told him the hotkeys. I should sign up for Gosucoaching! It brings me so much joy to watch him hotkey his command centre without me even telling him to!

Okay, now that I've bored you with my own joys, onto Day[9]'s niftytastic (that is a word!) Funday Monday theme, namely: one player may only makes air units and one player only makes ground units. In theory that sounds fine but when you think about it you realise that what you're basically doing is crossing your fingers and saying "Please don't early aggression me!" Surprisingly enough that seems to work rather well. Often I would just manage to get out a Voidray as we got hit with roaches and the like, and while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays, regardless of what TydVirTaal tells you!

These games became epic. Not because there were a lot of back and forths, not because the games were close. The reason theses games became epic is because FUCK YEAH MOTHERSHIP. Carriers and Battlecruisers may be cool too but Motherships take the lie cake.

The best game of the lot, unless I play a game which is better than this in the future, which I doubt I will ever do, has to be a game me and Nirv played in our diamond league 2v2 team as random, because it feels so good to dominate diamond league while playing offraces. We both got our worst race, Terran but we didn't afraid because Terran is designed for twelve year olds (if you are a Terran reading this, and are offended, please submit your complaints to I went air and he went for ground and almost completely unopposed we got to fairly big armies. So we attacked with a force of Battle cruisers, medivacs, tanks and other awesome units and we were dominating pretty hard. Then we noticed that we had been ling/ultra dropped and both of my expands had gone down. Due to some terrible micro on our part this turned into an epic game where we were all low on resources, desperately trying to kill off each other's expansions. It came down to the fact that we just had more resources for longer and eventually we  won the game and we were both laughing uncontrollably in shock from this epic game which we had just played. It left me with a slightly hollow feeling, as if I will never play a better game.

So in closing, this week has been epic! I'm getting high up in my leagues, I'm carriering (shuttthefuckupthatisaword) Terrans, my friend has started StarCraft and HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK Funday Mondays are so fun.


1 comment:

  1. while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays
    while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays
    while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays
    while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays
    while roaches may be good they don't fair well against Voidrays

    Why do I read this blog again?


    Well written piece broseph, most enjoyable ^^
