Friday 5 August 2011

Got me some new headphones

Hey guys, I got some new headphones. they're so cool, go awesome sound quality and are so comfortable! Now what you may want to know is "why, Grack, would you buy new headphones when you have perfectly working headphones at the moment?" To you I would blush shyly and turn away.

But this is the internet! So be ready to be regaled told an epic story get your eyeballs amazed by the epicness of the tale I am about to tell you hear some random uninteresting story. I was playing StarCraft and had not been having a very good week, there were a whole bunch of issues that would bore the hell out of you 'cause you don't care about me as a person I don't want to discuss. (Never date anyone, all girls are horrible and icky ><) So I was playing and losing a bunch, getting more and more angry with Gavin on in the background, talking to me, doing what any good friend does when the other is raging: making me rage even harder.

I just came out of a game where I lost to them damn Zerg critters, Jimmy. I was whining like a little bitch about how impossible it is to play and how annoying it is and how hard a time I have playing them and Gav says something along the lines of "No, you're just a bad player" to troll me. Oh boy it works. I would love to tell you how I ripped my headphones out of their sockets, pulling the motherboard with it while a lobster is hanging on and trying to bite my nose but first of all I haven't thrown my computer in the ocean in the past.... well.... ever and second of all that's not what happened. I just threw them onto my desk and stormed off, breaking my headphones. So up until I bought these awesome Sennheisers I've been using earphones. Ow. Luckily the mic from my old set works perfectly so I could buy non-mic headphones!

Before I end off you might like to know that my cupboard is hanging on one hinge after I bumped into it the other day. My bad! Go follow me on twitter @GrackStarcraft! I hope to have a Facebook page up soon so I can have my ego decreased by the low number of fans I have!

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