Friday 5 August 2011

Oh the joy

Sup guys!
So if you aren't one of my personal friends you won't know that I've been trying to get this build that was popularized by MC and a build that day9 talked about on his daily. In this process I've been losing a lot of games and the ones that I've won haven't really been because of me, more because of my opponent fucking up. I finally got it right though!

It opened with me going for this 1gate expo into 3gate stargate build. I scouted his early expo and felt comfortable but then he came at me with a rush. My uber gosu forcefields and my voidrays cleaned it up comfortably.

I tried some of MC's 3voidray harass but had to high tail it out of there lest the hydras raped me! I made sure he hadn't expanded and felt super happy with my large amount of map control. Long story short I got an expand, got some colossus and rolled him!

I'm so happy that this strategy is starting to come together! It's feeling good! It constantly amazes me how much of an influence StarCraft has on my mood. When I'm losing I'm nigh suicidal and visa versa when I win (what's the opposite of suicide?) It's my competitive nature.

Fuck you Casey.The worst thing about having zerg friends, amazing as they are, is that whenever you send them a PvZ they focus on how the zerg was so shit and did x and x and y wrong. It always has this capability of making a perfectly good win by me with solid play feel like a cheap win that meant nothing.

But regardless, I am so happy with how this is going and I am excited to learn and master some awesome new Protoss builds and be a total boss! Happy faces and hugs to all my great readers!

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