Friday 26 August 2011

Fuck this shit. (just off 2 losses)


Yes, at the moment I am pretty angry. I just lost to a bullshit mass marine SCV all in completely viable opening cause mules, lol. I lost because of my own stupidity! I had plenty of time to plan it and get ready but instead of doing the logical thing and lining up a perfect FF, I botched it, allowing a flood of SCVs to come in my base and with the over 9000dps of marines I was eventually owned.

But that's not all folks! Today I have some more bullshit to rage about! Terran units counter everything. I'm pretty sure a hellion can 1 on 1 an immortal if this race holds true to form! The terran comes with an army, quite high marauder composition and of course I get charge-lots and should roll this army. Through magicks I haven't quite worked out I only barely survived each time, my drops in the back of his base were futile because I forgot, a Terran only needs 6 SCVs to saturate an expansion. I ended up getting beaten in a game I shouldn't have lost by all logical reason.

Fuck everything about this.


*I'm a scum who doesn't want to lose vieweres any viewers of My StarCraft Story do not apply to said group, be they Terran or what have you

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