Thursday 25 August 2011

Daily number 341

Hey guys.

For any of you that don't know: I censoreding love Day[9]. Not only is he incredibly handsome (lawl), but he has also truly made me a better gamer. Day[9] is the guy who got my to Platinum league, obviously it was a bit of me too but I don't believe I could do it without him. I watch every daily to my knowledge. I haven't missed one in months, unless I am sadly mistaken. I've even watched some of his dailies live, which is difficult in SA because even if it is Euro week I get censoreding lag.

Why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this because I need subject matter and am too lazy to come up with my own I intend to do some writing about specific dailies. I'll be talking about the stuff he said and how it affects me. I'm probably not going to write about funday Mondays because that's just a barrel of laughs which you have to watch.

In this daily, number 341, which is a newbie Tuesday, Sean talks about multi tasking and takes a look at some games where people consciously prioritize certain, slightly less vague, concepts like creep spread and probe production as opposed to broad things like macro and map control. The basic thing he is trying to drill into our heads is that we must overcompensate and over prioritize certain things so that in the future we do then without even thinking. He gives a hilarious example where as this guy/girl's losing his/her whole censoreding base he/she spreads creep across the map and says something along the lines of "gg but look at my creepspread! top that!"

This daily got me thinking about my play and how I can better it, what I can focus on and the truth of the matter is I don't really know. I'm going to play a few games and watch the replays. Hence I will find something to work on and will probably keep you updated on that. Thinking about it, however, I'm not so sure what I will be able to find. I feel like my probe making is good and that my macro is fine but that's probably the point: that we're not sure of what we're doing that is so bad.

Before I finish this, for those of you who don't know, Funday Monday is that you may only make drones, queens, spores, spines, overlords and overseers as Zerg. Newbie Tuesday is you must have perfect lava injects and then still lose (don't try to lose, just submit one where you do even though your injects are 100%)

TLDR; Day[9] is awesome, watch him, I'm gonna be writing about dailies, 341 is about prioritizing tasks, I'm not sure what to prioritize and CENSOR you, I'm not shortening the Funday Monday/Newbie Tuesday rules.


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