Friday 29 July 2011

The problems and goals of our gaming generation.

Hello dear readers

I have been posting, mostly, a lot of bitching about my issues and I have now decided to change from that for at least this post. I'm going to be talking about this ridiculous notion that gaming and StarCraft in particular is a waste of time. I will also be explaining to you guys and girls why my parents are fucking awesome. I apologise in advance to Duncan TydVirTaal (check his blog, it's on your right and far better than mine really good!) for any intellectual property of his that I am using.

So in this modern society we have this brilliant generation of gamers that are faced with this problem the generation before presents to us, because most of us, especially South Africans due to being slightly behind and other more elaborate aspects such as the more macho attitude that we tend to have, have parents, teachers, grannies, uncles, aunts, grandpas, that random bag lady on the street, sports coaches and the like telling us that gaming is wrong, that instead we should go outside and play around in our boring as hell gardens and that we should have no interaction with other people that isn't face to face or over a telephone that still requires you to wind the keys down and hand crank it for the electricity.

These people are, to put it bluntly, misguided. We live in a world which has amazing things such as the spider fishing internet at our fingertips. These archaic ingrates we call our superiors fail to notice that and seem, at the mention of a computer, to go all misty eyed and think back to when they were a kid and they were lucky to even get a branch to play with, hell, sometimes they had to imagine their branches. They don't seem to realise, as I'm sure my amazing viewer-ship should, that just because they were raised like that does not make it good or right, not to say it was bad, but things have changed and in this case change is good.

But really, we all know the problem, what is the solution? Well the solution is simple. We round them all up, ship them off to Haiti and nuke them. Really, though, all we can do is wait for them to die off, presuming they're not related to us. If they are related to us, some more work has to be done, especially for the minors in our midst, else we risk running our lives constantly butting heads with our parents. My first port of call is get your parents to watch this: Day[9] Daily #100. That video is possibly the most inspirational video I have ever watched and if your parents have a decent bone in their bodies they will want to be like Sean's mom, the mother of the leader of the foreigner StarCraft scene. This woman, who comes from a seemingly backwards town, understood Sean and Nick's feelings and did her utmost to help them and support them which brings me onto my parents.

My parents annoy the shit out of me. They're always in my face being caring and loving and trying to make me into a better person. I mean really, the nerve of them! When I stop and think for a second of how bad a person I am to these people it makes me a bit sick. My parents understand when I want to go to huge LANs like OC. They let me play computer whenever I want, to a point of course, one does need one's sleep. These amazing people support me and help me, my mom even made sure that supper was served before 7pm for the whole week just so that I could watch Day[9] during Europe week. My mom is the reason I decided to set up this blog and the one who showed me how to advertise it. They understand that I am a gamer. They understand me and they take an interest. I can go to them and get excited that I made it into platinum, which, by the way, I am super happy about, and to an extent they will understand and they will congratulate me. My little brother plays a lot, not StarCraft quite yet, for whatever reasons and instead of my parents getting angry at him they accept it. Instead of them ripping of his headset and getting angry at him for talking to strangers on the internet they commend him for it and talk about how it is what his generation do. Instead of my parents trying to force what was taught to them onto us they seem to teach this, admittedly it was probably taught to them by their parents, and this only: they accept their child for who he is and love him and support him just the same and that is what we should have.

So disregard the nay sayers, don't shy away when the jock tells you how much of a nerd you are. Don't lie about how much you play and how much you love your identity as a gamer.Argue with the fools who put you down and be proud of everything that you are as a gamer. Climb to the highest brick of your metaphorical tower and scream to the heavens with every fibre of your being "I am a gamer, and I am proud!" Don't fight the mockery, don't shy away from the razor tongues. Stand tall and proud, mighty and brilliant.

We don't need someone to cure us. We don't need to sit every non-gamer down together and give them a talk about how gaming is so brilliant. What we as gamers need to do is be proud. Be proud, don't stand down and embrace how amazing you are as a gamer and how proud you should be of that fact.


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