Wednesday 20 July 2011

Balance bitching begone

Hey guys!
Sorry about the terrible title. I know its really ridiculous and this is getting astoundingly annoying but bitching brinzmen really annoy me. This game we all play, this superb StarCraft has a great group of gamers furiously focused on trying to generate some balanced brilliance. I'm going to stop this nauseating nonsense, though, because it's making writing wretched.

The major issue I have with this rubbish is first and foremost, I am a Protoss. The second I open my mouth about anything to do with balanced I get assaulted with a swell of something along the lines of "HURPEDY DERP TOSS OP DERP!" This is mainly because I am pretty much the only Toss among my close group of friends, who are all Zerg. The thing about Zerg players is that they don't seem to understand that their units need to have counters too.

I'm not saying that balance my never be discussed ever, I'm just so fed up of the constant QQ from all the Zergs i know/ my friends. If you look at StarCraft II, you're not going to find a game that's more balanced, besides Blizard's previous achievements. Now look at the tournament results and you will see the balance reflected there. I know players like Idra  still talk about it still being imbalanced and saying that tournament results don't matter is just ridiculous. We can't just say "well I think this is IMBA and I know that it's never shown to be IMBA but I think it is so therefor it is."

So ye, in a concise closing to this retarded rant, don't be a troublesome troll. The balance is generally gosu and these terrific tournaments are amazingly accurate at credibly conveying Blizzard's balance. Lots of love.
Greg the Grack.

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