Sunday 17 July 2011

The Rage part.

Okay, hi guys this is my first proper post! Hope you enjoy it. It's a little anecdote which relates to how I came by the name Grack.

So my amazing friend Duncan and I are playing. Duncan, especially at the time, was not as good at Star Craft as me. He was a bronze leaguer while I had just had my internet ego grown by being promoted to gold league. So we were playing and Duncan decides to do the unspeakable. The bastard seven roach rushes me.

Now, for those of you lucky enough not to have experienced this complete and utter fucking bullshit strategy, a seven roach rush is where they get 7 roaches really fast and rally them to your door and keep rallying them. While Duncan, the cheesy motherfucker that he is, might say it isn't cheese, it is. Don't listen to his nonsensical bullshit. It doesn't give them anywhere near enough drones to go into the mid-game well...

Now, my dear readers, I am, to this day, not sure how to hold one of those off. I need more sentries or something like that but anyway, being beaten by Duncan as my friends, unforgiving, cruel friends who laugh at me not with me, watched was too much. To let out this absolute rage I walked over to a semi broken office chair with no back so it was basically a stool with wheels, picked it up and flung it across my room. It didn't break itself too badly and I still have it but because all my friends heard this over the VOIP I was using they forever troll me about it.

Thanks for reading. More posts to come!

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