Sunday 17 July 2011


Sup guys and girls..... yeah, i know there are no girls. First I'm gonna rant about Terran, then cannon rushes and then I will give you guys a treat of a story of some epic rage.

Okay so I was playing a PvT and I decided not to go colossus, which was logical in this game because he was going Marine Marauder Medivac with some Thors as well. (All nice to feedback.) This seemed to be going well at first because my chargelots were tearing apart but his drops kept denying by expo. I was quite happy with how i denied drops and banshees early game but in the late game i didn't go deal with them. This was my downfall. He out macro'd me, got some good EMPs off and eventually beat me. I think I would have been okay with losing to this strategy but I was angry because he didn't say GL at the start. Onto the next game.

My pet hate. Cannon rushes. FUCKING HELL. Okay, so this stupid fuck goes forge first and i scout around for the pylon in my base. I don't find it and carry on playing, looking out for a pylon. Eventually he starts warping in a metric, not imperial, mind you, fuck-ton of pylons into my base. I kill these off and then find a whole bunch of cannons on the other side of my base. I double expand to the other corner of the map and make gateways etc. I get a good economy going and feel pretty confident. I gear up for the final attack that will end this bullshit once and for all and this guy had DTs. Fuck.

Ok, now that I've had my little rant, I think you dear readers deserve a tale of rage as old as time. Recent time, but time nevertheless. So I was playing some games with my friends Gavin and Cheesey Fucktard Noobhead from previous post Duncan. We were 3v3ing but if I recall properly I was rather tired and fed up. I got cannon rushed. I do not like being cannon rushed. It fucks up my game and makes me mad.

Today it made me more mad than usual. Seemingly calm, I left the game, put down my headset, stood up and promptly kicked my cupboard door right off its hinges. After the moment is passed I start laughing and put my headset back on. "Guys," I said, "I just kicked my cupboard door off." They start laughing and WTFing. I had to walk through to the garage, fetch an electric screwdriver and fix this cupboard before my rents got home. (Yes, I'm a teen to anyone who doesn't know me. If you don't and you're reading my blog, uber ♥s to you!) Luckily it was easy to fix but to this day the cupboard door is still slightly wonky!

On a side note, writing this blog seems to calm me down.

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