Monday 18 July 2011

A shout out to my beginnings.

While I may love my parents, this is not a shout out to them. This is in fact a shout out to (mainly) HuskyStarCraft. This man was the first person that I watched a lot. I got hooked on watching StarCraft 2 with a game back in King of the Beta Hill where CauthonLuck played against Idra and Day[9] famously, amongst my friends at least, said, in a voice that at the time was way too shocked for us noobs to understand why it was so shocked, two amazing quotes, namely "That queen injected 10 energy too late!" and "One banshee beats one queen!"

After watching this hilariousness I ended up latching onto HuskyStarcraft. I watched this man for ages. I watched so many of his YouTube clips and he truly started my whole mentality of just watching a lot (relatively) of StarCraft. Now let's get onto my point shall I?

I've heard many people bash Husky, I've heard comments about him which I object to and now I'm going to voice these objections. Firstly the things I've heard about Husky from people, negatively, is that he isn't a good commentator. It has been said that he doesn't make the best analysis and other similar comments. Apart from the fact that I disagree with this analysis of Husky's analysis, that isn't the point. The point is that it is brilliant people like Husky who grow eSports and frankly I cannot think of  a better thing for Husky to be doing.... okay I can, but they involve curing cancer and helping lepers. I can show someone a game that Husky casts and they will find it entertaining no matter how much they know about StarCraft, unless they have the sense of humor of my left toe.

HuskyStarCraft is such a gift to the community. So thanks for all the new StarCraft players who you bring to this fabulous community of ours and thank you for helping us realize the dream, as talked about in Duncan TydVirTaal's blog. This dream, in short for those of you too lazy to go and read his blog, is the dream that eSports becomes mainstream and that gaming can be discovered by everyone.

Now before this turns into a love letter I'd like to end off by thanking Husky and all the other figures who have influenced my relatively short life of StarCraft and grown eSports to what it is and continue to grow it to what it will become.

Don't hate on Husky, he's really funny and cool. Husky grows eSports which is the dream



  1. Disguised reference to my column much? :D

    Besides a few extremely pedantic issues, it had the right balance of intelligent commentary and general witty nonsense. Bravo, sah :D

  2. Disguised? I do believe you mean blatant and open, my good sir.

  3. Ah, but it doesn't actually make refernce - it's just there :P
