Sunday 24 July 2011

Friends will be friends

I don't know why I like my trolls friends. They constantly niggle and piss me off and make me rage and yet that's what bringsus closer. Of course I am talking about my StarCraft friends, namely Duncan "TydVirTaal", Gavin "Phoreals", Casey "noobface" "Nirv", and, though he doesn't play much these days, Luke "the Fucking troll" "LntLulzalot" These guys are the guys I probably spend most of my time talking to, we play most evenings and it's strange how we can put up with each other.

Our conversations are 90% tuning me because I'm to only Toss in a chat room of Zergs and yet I eagerly await it. If any of you reading this blog don't have StarCraft buddies, find them. They make the game so much more fun and so much more desirable to play. Half the reason that I am rapidly becoming better is because of said friends. My competitiveness makes me want to be the very best, at least amongst my friends. This competitiveness leads me to watch virtually every Day[9], but I'll talk about that gift to eSports later, it makes me play enough so that I become better, it makes me strive to get into Platinum. Apart from just me being competitive, these gods among men friends of mine are also this brilliant forum that I can come to and talk to about shit that's going down, be it StarCraft related or otherwise.

So now that that love letter is completed, story time. We decide to use our smurf accounts and place in 4v4. We're fucking around and playing random monobattles. If you don't know what that is and don't want to go search Day[9], they are when you announce at the beginning of the game that you are going to be only making one unit. I rolled Zerg and went Mutas, Duncan rolled Terran and went Marauder, Casey got Terran too and went Marine and Gav was left with Zerg and Roaches. Now unless you've been paying as much attention to my blogposts as I would to a 200/200 Colosus stalker ball that I've 1a'd to the back of his base, you will know that Duncan doesn't play Terran and something in his control settings wasn't working nicely, god knows what it was. So he asks for a pause and the stupid fuck we were playing against decides to not allow us to pause.

We really don't like bad manners, so it was incredibly satisfying to absolutely roll them like we did. My Mutariisskkss  sniping his probes made me feel all happy inside. Monobattles are so much fun to do with friends and cause a ridiculous amount of lols. It's also a win win because either you win and it's like "FUCK YEAH WE WON ONLY MAKING ONE UNIT" or you lose and you're like "whatever, we were monobattling!" So yeah, go do monobattles because they are amazing.

So in closing: my friends are awesome, get StarCraft friends, play monobattles and don't BM people you're worse than!

GLHF for life! I love you all, no homo.

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